A fountain of men

Seattle's iconic International Fountain plays a key role in nudist and gay events. For instance, it's the place where bike riders and rollerbladers from the city's Folsom Summer Solstice wash off the painting that covers their naked bodies. It's a cooling relief from the bicyclists participating in the World Naked Bike Ride. And it's a handy stopping-off point for Gay Pride parade. Wouldn't it be fun to be in Seattle at one of those events? It looks like so much fun! Let's join them vicariously!

World Naked Bike Ride, 2013

Event and date unknown

World Naked Bike Ride, 2011

Fremont Summer Solstice, date unknown

Event and date unknown

Noah Phelps as "Captain America," Summer Solstice, 2012

Event and date unknown

Event and date unknown

Event and date unknown

Event and date unknown

Event and date unknown
Seattle Pride, 2012

Seattle Solstice, date unknown

Event and date unknown

Summer Solstice, date uncertain

P.S.: If you have information about the events and dates in connection with these photos, please pass that along to me using the "Comments" section. Likewise, if there are any errors in my identification, please let me know. I'll update the post accordingly. Thanks!

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